No matter who you are, we welcome you as Christ has welcomed us.


Our church meets across three congregations at:

9.00am | 11.30am | 2.30pm


Our vision is for Asia to be renewed by people, churches, and cities transformed by the Gospel.


Sermon Series


Join us on Sundays as we will continue our sermon series on Matthew's Gospel, uncovering how Jesus enters into the story of humanity as the long-awaited Messiah who ushers in the kingdom of God into our world and our hearts.

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Our Congre Retreats are an incredible opportunity for all of us as a congregation to take a break from our regular schedules, and spend a long weekend together in Batam to fellowship and enjoy one another's company. Registration is now open until 12 January 2025.

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Join our Community

Our mission is to make Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ through the gospel. Check out some of the ways you can be involved in our church body!


Upcoming Events