Gladiolus Place - Girls’ Home


RHC volunteers build relationships with and nurture the
gospel-growth of teenage girls through Bible studies & social activities.


RHC volunteers had taken a well-deserved break at the start of the year, so March was their first time back at the home. Due to COVID-19 precautions, only 3 volunteers were allowed to go. Regardless, it was a very fruitful time! Here’s what Joyce from RHC (pictured above) had to say:

“The staff were friendly and helpful... took our temperatures, did the declaration forms, ate with us and sat through the session. I think (most of) the girls were more relaxed because of school holidays. Maybe just happy to see people because of social distancing, etc. One of the RHC CG’s fed us really well. So maybe that helped the girls raise their happy index a bit. 😉

I was moved by the testimony of one particular girl named Star*, who shared about how God has been powerfully at work in her life. She’s been in the home for about a year and what a transformation during that time! I really consider myself privileged to hear her story because she’s not one of the girls I usually sit with.

As of March 2020, Star has read from Genesis to Luke on her own. She also specifically remembers one of the lessons that the RHC volunteers led during the monthly sessions. She felt challenged to forgive others because Jesus had forgiven her so much. Now, she thinks about Jesus’ forgiveness whenever she has trouble forgiving anyone. When Star first met the RHC volunteers at the beginning of 2019, she confessed that she had serious anger management issues. Now, she openly shares that God helps her not get angry so easily anymore.

As I listened to her, I just wanted to cry because of the obvious transformation that God is doing in her life. Praise God! Only He can change lives and give hope.”

Let’s be praying for Star and the rest of the girls, that during this circuit breaker period when the volunteers are not allowed to visit, they would continue to experience the nearness and transformative love of Christ!

*Name has been changed for confidentiality.

Getting Involved

1. Support a friend of the ministry

A friend made through our local Mercy & Justice programmes has found herself in very difficult circumstances. She is a single teenager, is pregnant, and in need of support. If you are interested in joining the group of RHC volunteers who are caring for her, please indicate your interest here.

This friend is passionate about design and her dream is to apply for Lasalle next year. However, she was unable to complete her secondary school education. In order to help her develop her portfolio and allow her to taste some success, the volunteers have encouraged her to design some postcards for Easter and sell them online ☺ If you’d like to support her and would love some postcards to encourage loved ones via snail mail, perhaps you could consider ordering from her at 

2. Provide a meal

We are still looking for help providing food for our sessions during the second half of this year. Talk to your CG and sign up here!

3. Volunteer

Once the volunteer restrictions are lifted, we will resume our recruitment for more female volunteers. Sign up here!

Rebecca Shang