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Youth Camp 2023: Root to Fruit

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Last year, we had our first Youth Camp since the pandemic, and the theme was Built For More. Knowing our identity is one thing—now we have to live out the truth that we’re built for more. Jesus said, “for the tree is known by its fruit” – we want to ask our youths: “what kind of fruit are we bearing in our lives?” So this year, we are focusing on the theme of: Root to Fruit—examining what it means to have our identity rooted in Christ and how that impacts us, and how the fruit we bear in our lives should reflect that.

We'll have an awesome time together with teenagers from RHC, ECP, and En Ling—with fun games, late nights, great food, friends, and purpose.

Date: 26-28 May (Fri-Sun)

Venue: Praisehaven Retreat Centre

Cost: $75 (Early bird), $85 (Regular rate)