Stories of God’s faithfulness in the lives of our church.
Testimonies by Topic
Baptism Testimonies

“Through his grace, I have realised that I don’t need to be in control of everything and that in him is everything I need.”
“I laid all outcomes down and put my full trust and confidence in God and did not give up.”
"I am everything I feared, incapable, weak, and as the song says 'empty-handed'. But the Gospel says that despite that, God in his love, grace, mercy, and love had sent His one and only Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins."
“This is a story about a sinner. It is a story about a guy in search of his identity, worth, purpose and belonging. But it is ultimately a story of victory – God’s grace and victory in pursing and lifting this sinner from the lows to heavenly heights.”
“The reality is that I was good at running marathons, but the truth is that I had always been running the wrong race.”
“I had quite an idealistic view of the world, but that bubble burst during a very difficult time of my life.”
“My sense of self-worth and identity was very much tied to others’ approval, and most of the things I did was just to alleviate the deep sense of emptiness and loneliness I felt.”
“God wants relationship not with some spruced-up, Instagrammable version of myself, but with the real, complicated, deeply flawed me.”
“At a time when I thought that I needed to have value to be loved, God sought me out and told me that I had nothing to offer Him, not my intellect or anything that I could do for Him, but that He still loved me because I am His.”
Over time, I realised I could deny many things about God, but I couldn’t deny His very existence, because of my encounter with God.
"There is redemption power in his love for all sinners and sufferers. In Christ and his love for us, I found somewhere safe and firm where I could finally rest.”
“I was finally able to repent of my sin and entrust my life to Christ. Instead of constantly battling sin on my own, I could draw comfort from knowing, from Romans 8, that “there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because [I] belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed [me] from the power of sin that leads to death.””
Marilyn is part of the 2nd Congregation at RHC. She shares with us how the COVID-19 situation has affected her and her business, and what is sustaining her in this difficult time.
Elizabeth is a member of the 2nd Congregation. She shares with us how the anxieties of her job hunt have led her to find refuge in God and stand firm in her identity in Christ.
Abby is a member of the 2nd Congregation. She shares with us how planning for a wedding during COVID-19 has further refined her view of marriage and of God.
Amanda is a member of the 2nd Congregation. She shares with us how God brought her friend to salvation using dreams, visions, prayer, scripture and his people.
"God has shown that if I keep my eyes on the pain of my wounds, I will only see myself wounded. But when I look at the cross, I see the wounds of Jesus and remember that his love and grace runs deeper.”
“I always thought that God was for other people, and now I know he is inviting everyone to come to Him.”
“My testimony is really a story about the sweet, sweet love of God, of how He pursued after me when I was lost, and how He loves this defiant and undeserving sinner called Jeremy who has placed his trust in Jesus.”
“The word of God is alive, and when we encounter it the Spirit works in us and brings us from life to life. The Apostle Peter encourages us to long for that spiritual milk, and CE classes are a really practical way that we can exercise that.”
“I hit rock bottom – waking up on the concrete floor of a jail cell…there wasn’t much to be proud of anymore. I went home that day, crawled into bed, and cried like a baby. I could feel that my life had slipped away from me. I was no longer in control. Sin controlled my life and I was alone. But in that darkness, Jesus appeared.”
“I no longer crave to be socially accepted, but now I’ve the eyes to see who’s struggling and is in need of the gospel. I’m no longer chasing after functional saviours, but now I’m chasing to seek after the righteousness of God and his kingdom.”
“Amazingly, after many hours, my eyes were finally opened and I started to understand the Bible and God’s truth started to speak to me. I saw how Jesus lived, saw the love he showed to sinners, and saw the strange, extraordinary way he came to redeem us.”
"I leaned over to Mike to tell him that I needed to talk to him after church about something important - it turned out that during that same song, God had spoken to both of our hearts that the time to adopt was NOW."
“Stephen started CPR on our son immediately…I froze. I was carrying my one-year-old son, Jonas, when Keri shouted, ‘Call the ambulance!’”
“When I had my first-born, I planned nursing time, diaper changing time, my showering time, my own mealtime, and my rest time. I thought I had it all together. But reality ruthlessly ripped my plans into pieces and flushed them down the drain.”
“Every question and doubt I had about faith, she patiently answered in a way that a non-believer could accept and understand. At that time, I realised that God was trying to speak to me.”
“….It became crystal clear that Jesus did not want my moral character, my serving in church or even my monetary giving if I did all these only for my own benefit. Jesus wanted me to give up my life and to spend it on him and for the gospel.”
“God softened my heart and allowed me to savour, appreciate and accept his gospel and his grace…I feel free and liberated, not bound to good works or the fear of purgatory…my identity is bound only to Jesus Christ.”
“The pathology results after the surgery confirmed that it was an early stage of cancer – a rare type of Lymphoma…Going through the scanner, I was reminded of scripture…As I lay there, I was reminded of God’s love for me and my whole family.”