Give to RHC
We encourage you to tithe electronically via PayNow, bank transfer or standing order. For many, this has shown to be the safest and most convenient way.
PayNow +
Unique Entity Number (UEN)
PayNow UEN: T09SS0187A
QR Code
- Log in to your bank app
- Select the “Scan & Pay” feature
- Scan QR code
- Complete giving
Online Bank Transfers +
Bank: DBS Bank Ltd
Bank Code: 7171
Account Number (Tithes & Offering): 107900 3257 [Branch: 107 (Buona Vista)]
Account Number (Missions): 107900 4091 [Branch: 107 (Buona Vista)]
Account Number (Benevolence): 010906 3536 [Branch: 010 (South Bridge)]
Account Number (Building Fund): 107900 3605 [Branch: 107 (Buona Vista)]
Cheque Offering +
Cheques can be made out to “Redemption Hill Church” and placed in the offering on Sundays.
Give to our Church Plant
Redemption Hill Church is a society with charitable organisation status. However, since we do not have IPC (Institutions of a Public Character) status as a church, donations to RHC are not tax deductible.
If sufficient funds are received for a particular project or sufficient to fund ongoing operations with the requisite reserves, Redemption Hill Church may exercise its wisdom and discretion to channel additional/surplus funds to other areas that are in line with our vision for Asia to be renewed by people, churches, and cities transformed by the gospel.