
We believe that financial giving flows from a grateful heart for what God has done in our lives, as well as a responsibility to be faithful with our resources in order to see the local church supported and the great commission accomplished. Out of this cheerful, grateful and mission minded heart, we give both freely and generously.


Give to RHC

We encourage you to tithe electronically via PayNow, bank transfer or standing order. For many, this has shown to be the safest and most convenient way.

PayNow +

Unique Entity Number (UEN)

PayNow UEN: T09SS0187A

QR Code

  1. Log in to your bank app
  2. Select the “Scan & Pay” feature
  3. Scan QR code
  4. Complete giving

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Online Bank Transfers +

Bank: DBS Bank Ltd

Bank Code: 7171


Account Number (Tithes & Offering): 107900 3257 [Branch: 107 (Buona Vista)]

Account Number (Missions): 107900 4091 [Branch: 107 (Buona Vista)]

Account Number (Benevolence): 010906 3536 [Branch: 010 (South Bridge)]

Account Number (Building Fund): 107900 3605 [Branch: 107 (Buona Vista)]

Cheque Offering +

Cheques can be made out to “Redemption Hill Church” and placed in the offering on Sundays.

Give to our Church Plant

Redemption Hill Church is a society with charitable organisation status. However, since we do not have IPC (Institutions of a Public Character) status as a church, donations to RHC are not tax deductible.

If sufficient funds are received for a particular project or sufficient to fund ongoing operations with the requisite reserves, Redemption Hill Church may exercise its wisdom and discretion to channel additional/surplus funds to other areas that are in line with our vision for Asia to be renewed by people, churches, and cities transformed by the gospel.

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 Finance Update


Watch this video to hear from our treasurer, Patrick Tan, as he shares an update on our finances.

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Giving to God from a grace-filled heart


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