
Pre-Marital Care


Marriage was created by God to display the relationship between Christ and his church and for the flourishing of his creation.

As such, our marriages have a heavenly purpose and significance, so how we live them out is not just a personal matter. It takes effort and intentionality to foster healthy marriages. We encourage couples to surround themselves with people who can help them to live out the messiness of marriage in a God-glorifying way.

Three environments in which our earthly marriages can flourish:

1. Join a Community Group. The best way to live out gospel-centred relationships is to do so within the community. People who are involved in your everyday life will be able to speak words of wisdom and grace into your marriage.

2. Pre-marital Counselling (PMC Request Form). PMC is focused discipleship for marriage within the context of the local church. We feel that this goal is best achieved when the couple has decided to make RHC their home as members. Please refer to FAQ below prior to filling out the form

3. Pastoral counselling (Reach Out to Us). When special circumstances require additional counselling, we will pair you with a pastor or trusted biblical counsellor to provide help as needed.

Values that shape how we think about PMC and solemnisation*:

Two main values

  • We are committed to care for those who have entrusted their souls to us by means of becoming members of our church.

  • We are committed to a high view of marriage, and desire for people not to enter into this lifelong covenant lightly, but to have carefully considered what it means to prepare themselves to fulfil these vows to the glory of God.

One implication

We will not be offering PMC nor solemnisation for those non-members at RHC. For more details, please refer to our FAQ section below.

*Marriage solemnisation is the process whereby a couple is legally married by a state-appointed licensed solemniser, who can either be a Justice of peace or a religious leader.


Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is covered in the PMC sessions?

The material used is not exhaustive, but provides a biblical framework to begin to discuss the deeper workings of your relationship in light of God’s design. Our PMC course starts with a group workshop, followed by five 2-2 sessions with a more experienced married couple.

  • PMC Group Workshop: The Gospel and Marriage

  • Session One: Understanding Ourselves

  • Session Two: Communication

  • Session Three: Differences and Forgiveness

  • Session Four: Work and Money

  • Session Five: Sex and Children

2. When are the PMC workshop dates in 2025?

  • 15 February

  • 17 May

  • 31 August

  • 30 November

3. How long does a session last?

Typically, sessions are done in the home either over a meal or a good cup of tea and last around 2 hours depending on the depth and pace of conversation.

4. When is the right time to apply for PMC?

The ideal timeline for PMC begins no earlier than 1.5 years, but at least 9 months prior to the wedding date.

5. Can anyone apply for PMC?

No, PMC is for members of RHC. In the case of a member marrying a non-member, you will be asked to first meet with an elder before being assigned to PMC counsellors. PMC is currently not open for those who are not yet members of RHC.

6. Why does RHC not offer PMC for those who are not yet members?

The primary goal of PMC is focused discipleship for marriage within the context of the local church. We feel that this goal is best achieved when the couple has already decided to make RHC their home as members. In order to steward our resources well, and to properly love those who have entrusted their souls under our care by becoming members, PMC is reserved for couples who are members, or are made up of a member and non-member.

7. Can I request an RHC pastor to solemnise my wedding if I am not a member?

Because we have a high view of marriage, we want our processes to reflect that. For this reason, we want to solemnise couples with whom we have walked together on the PMC journey.

8. I’m an RHC member trying to book a wedding venue. Are solemnisers available any day of the week?

We understand how difficult it can be to secure a date and venue that is ideal. Our solemnisers will try to be as flexible as possible from Monday - Saturday to accommodate requests; however, we will not be able to assist on Sundays and we kindly request you find alternative days for the ceremony.

On top of Sundays, RHC cannot guarantee that we will be able solemnise your wedding on the following Saturdays (especially lunchtime weddings) because of our membership class on the following dates:

  • 5 April

  • 26 July

  • 15 November

9. I’m in a serious dating relationship, but I’m not sure if we want to get married. Should we sign up for PMC?

No, PMC is not the best way to determine if you and your partner should get married. PMC is designed for those who already desire to commit to marriage and to work out biblical truths in the context of that commitment. We recommend meeting with a leader who can help you process this in order to determine whether or not to make that commitment.

10. How do I apply for PMC?

Please complete the PMC Request Form and we will be in touch with you soon.