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  • Grace Baptist Church 17 Mattar Road Singapore, 387722 Singapore (map)

Baptisms are so important to Christians because it is a public profession of faith of a believer, and a visual demonstration of their lives are united with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection.

We're excited that 10 people are getting baptised on Sunday, 19 February! They are: Choo Fang Xing, Lee Chin Juan, Denise See, and Simone Teo from 1st Congre; Alex Chandra, Kim Guoquan, Anita Sin, Cheryl Tan, and Tedric Tham from 2nd Congre; and Ryan Tan from 3rd Congre.

We'd like to invite you to attend and witness the baptisms, hear the testimonies of how God has worked in the lives of these 10 brothers and sisters. The baptisms will be held at Grace Baptist Church, 3.00pm on Sunday, 19 February. We hope that many of you can come witness the baptisms and hear the testimonies of how God has worked in their lives. If you'd like to attend, please email Gary by 12 February (

Earlier Event: February 18
YA Hang: Sandy Social
Later Event: February 24
Prayer & Worship Night