We have been asking ourselves “What does it mean to grow as a disciple of Jesus and how do we do that?” This generally happens in two primary recurring ways: worshipping together on Sundays and being in community, particularly as CGs. We want to keep going with these! But we also recognised other vital ways we wanted to explore together. Ultimately, Jesus calls each and every one of us to follow Him with our whole being—our minds, hearts, and souls. To follow Jesus, we need to know Him. We need to understand his ways. We need to practise his ways. We then need to lead others in His way, as he commands us as his disciples to go and make disciples.

So, we are organising Core Classes to help facilitate our spiritual growth in the way of Jesus. These Core Classes will are the building blocks that undergird all that we do and believe as a church.

These Core Classes are:

  1. Beginning the Way. (For new believers)

  2. Understanding the Way. (For all RHCers)

  3. Practicing the Way. (For all RHCers)

  4. Leading the Way (For all RHCers / RHC leaders)

For the next two years (2025-2026), we will be taking a complete break from our normal classes (CE, GIW, etc) in order to focus on growing together in Jesus through these Core Classes. Our leaders (your CGLs, elders, etc) will be prioritising taking Leading the Way together. In the meantime, we ask you to prayerfully consider how God may be asking you to grow more specifically in Him. We highly encourage us to take a Core Class as CGs or with friends. Let us follow Jesus together!

Register for our Classes


Beginning the Way

An introductory class to the basics on Christian faith and living that touches on a series of topics including, how did I become a Christian, the dynamics of Christian life, how do I live out my Christian life in church and in the real world. Those who are new to the faith are warmly welcomed to join us in this highly interactive class.

1 module over 6 weeks:
6, 13, 20, 27 July; 3, 10 August



Understanding the Way

4 modules, each between 4-6 weeks:

  • Module 1: Biblical Overview

  • Module 2: Word & God 

  • Module 3: Christ & Spirit

  • Module 4: Man & Church

This course comprises 4 modules that familiarise us with the storyline of the entire Bible, and the core Christian beliefs.  Understanding the Bible storyline gives us confidence in seeing God's commitment towards reconciling humanity and creation to Himself; while being grounded in our core Christian beliefs provide us with interpretive guardrails for our own Bible reading, and illuminate God's Word and the things that matter to Him.
Dates for Module 1 (over 6 weeks):
Online: 2, 9, 30 November
In-person: 26 October, 16 November & 7 December



Practicing the Way

3 modules, each for 4 weeks:

  • Module 1: Sabbath

  • Module 2: Prayer

  • Module 3: Fasting

This class covers spiritual disciplines that are designed to show us practical, hands-on ways to follow Jesus and be transformed by His Spirit. To see how our faith in Jesus is not just a cognitive pursuit but something that we are called to practice daily and is fundamental to our growth in Him.  

Upcoming dates for Practicing the Way: Sabbath:
6, 13, 20, 27 April
3, 10, 17, 24 August
5, 12, 19, 26 October



Leading the Way

3 modules, each between 3-4 weeks:

  • Module 1: Understanding Gospel Leadership 

  • Module 2: Gospel Fluency 

  • Module 3: Church Culture

Everyone of us is all called to partner with God in his work of redemption in our church, work or home. Whether we are considering formal leadership roles or simply want to grow in leading others to Christ, this course explores what Biblical leadership looks like, how we can compellingly apply the gospel to the stuff of everyday life to ourselves and those we walk with, and how our culture as a church shapes the way we lead.

Upcoming dates:
Module 1: 14 and 28 April
Module 2: 7, 14, 21, 28 July
Module 3: 8, 15, 22 September

Who is this for: All RHCers/RHC Leaders