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Barnabas Incubator

  • Furama City Centre (map)

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RHC’s vision is for Asia to be renewed by people and cities being transformed by the Gospel. One of the best ways to achieve this, is for RHC to plant churches. RHC has a commitment to planting churches. One of our values is to be a church on mission.

We’d love for as many RHCers as possible to be involved in the next wave of church planting—whenever that may be.  So we want to train up RHCers now to be involved in new church plants in the future.

It takes a whole range of folk to plant a church. Church planters are not only preachers. Church planters also include those who will care for the children, be ushers, be part of CGs—as well as be part of discipling others in the Gospel.

We want to educate and inspire RHCers about church planting. To do this, we are launching an exciting initiative this year, called the Barnabas Incubator.

The Barnabas Incubator is designed with the express purpose of building and fostering a culture that is very much in line with the ethos of Redemption Hill Church (RHC), that is, church planting.

It is open to one and all. We welcome anyone in the Body who would like to know more about church planting and/or go on a church plant!

The course will run from April to December 2023. Each monthly session for about 3 hours.

  • Session 1: What did church planting look like in the book of Acts?*

  • Session 2: What is a church?

  • Session 3: How does the gospel shape church planting?

  • Session 4: Am I called to be involved in planting a church?

  • Session 5: How to plant?

  • Session 6: How do I prepare myself to be part of a church plant?

  • Session 7: Why should we care about planting churches?

  • Session 8: How can churches work together?

*Session 1 to commence on 23 April 2023.

The sessions are meant to be highly relational and interactive, by way of shared meals and open discussions over pertinent church planting topics. There will be exposure to other church planters’ experiences, as we invite both local and Resound church planters, to conduct and share their stories in some of the sessions. The incubator will also be planning for visits to church plants in Singapore, as well as Japan. 

Most of the sessions are to be held at Furama studios, at 4.30pm.

Course materials and meals: S$50.

If you have any further queries on ‘The Barnabas Incubator’ and/or ‘Goldfish Bowl’, feel free to reach out to Gerald (

Earlier Event: March 20
Parents Gym