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Congregation Fellowship for 1st & 2nd Congre

  • Furama City Centre (map)

As we continue rebuilding our relationships in the church, we encourage you to get to know others in your congregation beyond your CG through joining our Congregation Fellowship. Light refreshments will be provided. We’re kickstarting Congre Fellowships for 1st & 2nd Congre on 27 November.

  • 1st Congre: 10.30am-12.45pm at Heritage Room (Level 2, Furama)

  • 2nd Congre: 1.30pm-3.30pm at Studios 7-10 (Level 3, Furama)

Whether you’re visiting for the first time, have been attending RHC for a few months, or have been at this church for years, we’d love for you to join us!

Earlier Event: November 27
En Ling Monthly Service
Later Event: December 4
Youth Gathering