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En Ling Aug Gospel Fellowship

  • 60 Eu Tong Sen Street, Furama City Centre #03-14 Chinatown, Singapore 059804 (map)

人们如何改变?这里最重要的字眼是 "如何",而不只是改变。归根结底,真正的改变只是出于我们与耶稣的合一。同样地,群体本身并不能促进基督徒的成长。只有指向耶稣的群体才能促成真正的改变。在这月的团契中,我们将继续探讨什么是以我们的心作为改变的目标,同时也帮助彼此指向耶稣。请参加我们的团契,以了解更多。

How do people change? The most important word here is "how", and not merely change. Ultimately, the only true change happens when we are bearing the fruit of what it means to be united to Jesus. Similarly, community per se does not promote Christian growth. It is rather the community that points to Jesus that brings about true change. In this session, we continue to explore what it means to address the heart as the place of change, and yet also help each other to point to Jesus. Please join us to find out more.

Later Event: August 28
Young Adults Fellowship