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Easter Weekend Services at En Ling

  • Holiday Inn Atrium (Seletar Ballroom) (map)

We welcome you to join En Ling’s Good Friday & Easter services on 7 and 9 April, 10.00am, at Holiday Inn Atrium (Level 3 Seletar Ballroom).

Good Friday Service: He took my place (Isaiah 53)

No other scriptures in the Old Testament is as vivid in describing the death of Christ, though it was written 800 years prior. We’re invited to meditate on his substitutionary death, which is a sin-bearing, death-crushing, wrath-absorbing and sinners-justifying death. 

Easter Sunday Service: The Audacious Hope (1 Cor 15:12-28)

Our hope often informs how we live our lives. Indeed hope is integral to living itself. However, our hope is often too narrow and small, confined to what we can see in this life. 

The resurrection of Christ challenges and enlarges our hope, for it points to nothing less than God defeating death, God ruling over all, God being all in all (1 Cor 15:28). Do we believe in the resurrection of Christ and allow that to define our hope and lives?


受难节: 他代替了我

复活节 – 真正让人放胆的盼望

Earlier Event: April 7
Good Friday Services
Later Event: April 9
Easter Sunday Services