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[Registration Closed] Christian Education: Sermon on the Mount

  • Furama City Centre (map)

Thank you for your interest! Our class is fully subscribed, so registration is closed.

“Turn the other cheek”, “Go the extra mile”, “Thou shall not judge” are popularly-used phrases that have entered into our modern lingo. But did you know that they come from a larger coherent Sermon spoken from the lips of our blessed Saviour? What if we navigated these three chapters as they were originally heard: as one cohesive, well-ordered message, intended to challenge us to think differently about how to live a life of wisdom and flourishing?

Come and attend our first Christian Education class for the year, which will be fully held in person! Every class will comprise a time of teaching, breakouts for discussions, and Q&A.

Session 1: An invitation to human flourishing

Very often, we hashtag #blessed in our social media to express our delight at having received something from God. Occasionally, it is really a backhanded boast of our achievements! What does living a ‘blessed’ life really look like? What does Jesus have to offer to those who live according to his invitation? 

Session 2: An inside-out righteousness

Jesus loves you so much that he cares about what goes on beneath the surface. What does Jesus have to say to you about that seething anger? Or that uncontrollable lust? Or that bitter unforgiveness toward those who have hurt you? What does being perfect like our Heavenly Father look like? 

Session 3: Whose applause?

Have you ever been overly self-conscious about how others might think about your prayer in public? Do you occasionally drop hints to others about the great things that you have done for God? In what ways might our practice of Christian disciplines slip into a performance mode? How then are we to live our lives before the audience of One? 

Session 4: People, Possessions, and Paths to life

We all tend to take money too seriously and people too lightly. What does Jesus have to say about the way we relate to possessions and to people? How does seeking His kingdom and righteousness free us from a life of anxiety? 

Why not start the year by studying the most epic sermon ever preached!

Earlier Event: February 5
February Book Table
Later Event: February 18
YA Hang: Sandy Social