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Resound Kizuna: The Art of Sparking Great Spiritual Conversations


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Many of us long to know how to share the gospel with people in our lives. This is central to what it means to follow Christ in the power of the Spirit. Rev. Abe Cho is going to help us think about practical ways of engaging in Spiritual conversations with people in our lives who are far from Christ. Come to be both inspired and equipped for this great and exciting call of sharing the gospel with those around us.

About the Speaker:

Abe Cho is the Senior Director of Training for City to City New York and North America. Previously, he was a pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC for 14 years. The last six of those years he served as the Senior Pastor of Redeemer East Side on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. In addition to his role at City to City, he serves as pastor-in-residence at Redeemer East Harlem. He lives with his wife and four children in Hell's Kitchen, NYC. 

Venue: Zoom

Time: 8.00pm - 9.30pm

Earlier Event: March 26
Youth Social
Later Event: April 2
April Book Table