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Young Adults Fellowship


Join us for our November Young Adults Fellowship where we’ll be discussing what it means to find and build church community. We will also hear from our lead pastor, Simon, share how we're prioritising rebuilding our church community next year.


Part 1: Looking Back: Finding Church Community

Exploring the reasons why we were led to stay in RHC. What were we looking for in church community? How did the gospel truth and the person of Jesus Christ convince us to humbly walk alongside others in the church?

Part 2: Sharing by Simon + Q&A

Part 3: Looking Forward: Building Church Community

A mapping activity where groups can talk about and draw what a church community should look like, how they envision RHC to be like in 10 years, and how we as young adults can contribute to building the church.

Part 4: Prayer

Earlier Event: November 20
En Ling's Launch & Commission Sunday
Later Event: November 20
3rd Congregation Fellowship