Tara Huber - Discipleship (1st Congregation)

Charlyn Magnus - Mercy & Justice (1st Congregation)

Ong Wei De - Integration (1st Congregation)

Geoffrey Tan - Discipleship (1st Congregation)

Zack Huang - Discipleship (2nd Congregation)

Lim Miao Ling - Family Life (2nd Congregation)
Miao Ling often wrestles between her gripping fear of heights (she cannot even look down malls from 4-storeys high!) and her love for hiking. She enjoys the physical focus that it requires and the breathtaking beauty that one is surrounded with. She also seems to have a perpetual craving for fried bee hoon, nasi lemak and fried chicken.
Having experienced the deep satisfaction and joy of being in a personal relationship with God, his word and his people, she hopes to encourage others likewise to dwell in his presence and extend the same community to others.

Cheryl Ng - Discipleship (2nd Congregation)
Cheryl enjoys baking and cooking, and is a data analyst with a motorbike license! She loves dark dark chocolates and board games. She is passionate about walking alongside and seeing others enjoy God (and her yummy food!).

Kam Limin - Family Life (3rd Congregation)

Rachel Tan - Discipleship & OTOBR (3rd Congregation)