Our Vision

For Asia to be renewed by people, churches and cities transformed by the Gospel

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Our Mission

To make Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ through the Gospel


Our Values


The Gospel is the centre of our ministry, and everything we do must find its root in the Gospel. The Gospel must hence be clear, and vivid to us, and we must constantly seek to work out the implications of the Gospel in every area of life.

We are not satisfied with a light and fluffy, ‘bare minimum’ of understanding God, but want to pursue a deep and soul satisfying knowledge and understanding of God through the Bible. Theology is essential, and yet, we don’t want to do theology for the sake of theology. We want to do theology so that we can press in to know God for who he is.

The faith we value is not just theoretical but experienced in everyday life. We actively seek the present-day work of the Holy Spirit, expecting him to move in our midst. We want to be devoted to prayer, Bible reading, worship, serving, giving, and other relevant spiritual disciplines that help us to keep our faith alive and thriving.

We want to be a true community, loving and serving one another, encouraging one another, and helping one another grow in God. At the same time, we want to be an outward looking community, recognising that we are not here for ourselves, but are on a mission to bring the gospel to the world.

We want to see the Gospel change every aspect of the city we are living in. This involves discipling our people to live out the implications of the Gospel in every sphere of life. This includes doing social justice, integrating our faith and work, and working with other churches and organisations. Our goal is to see the proliferation of the Gospel in our city, the city renewed culturally, socially and spiritually for the glory of God.


Telos: A 5-Year Vision

We believe that every one of us has been placed in this city at this time for a reason.

God has a role for you to play. He wants to lead you into that calling, growing your faith in him as he uses you beyond your comfort zones for his purposes.

May we be a church that longs for his glory, his kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.


Telos is about redeeming our true purpose

It’s knowing the gospel of grace so deeply. It's being restored to love and true glory that we die to our own self-glorifying dreams that are really too small for our own good. We are designed and created for greater dreams that are bigger than ourselves - God’s glory.

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How is God calling you to be involved in his purposes for the nations through RHC?


Consider these ways you can join us in this commitment to being a people who are transformed by the gospel together.


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