Commitment level: Once or twice a month
An RHC Member: No
We desire to foster a culture of hospitality—for our visitors and regular attendees to feel welcome at our Sunday services, while supporting the operational needs of the service.

Set-up / Tear-down
Commitment level: Once or twice a month
An RHC member: No
God has called us to be invested in the Chinatown community, and being here enables us to minister at RHC and the city. We have a unique set-up in a hotel environment—a lot goes on before and after to make our services run smoothly. The team is responsible for handling equipment and for cultivating an environment that is conducive to the preaching of God’s word and fellowship of God’s people. Working mostly behind the scenes, some of the team’s duties include setting up and keeping of the equipment, banners and posters, as well as the preparation of communion elements.

Service Broadcasting
Commitment level: Once a month
An RHC member: No
We ensure that the Word of God in song and speech is accessible to people who are not able to attend our services. Our aim is to make our services clear, effective and without distractions so that the gospel message can be clearly heard by believers and unbelievers alike.

Audio & Visual Production
Commitment level: Once or twice a month
An RHC member: No
The Audio & Visual Production Team consists of sound techs and audio-visual techs. They work together behind the scenes to organise all the media needs for the service. They lead the congregations in worship by projecting visuals for our lyrics, mixing audio to ensure that the Word of God in song and speech is clearly communicated through sound and visual technology. They serve to enable the congregation to engage effectively and without distractions so that the Gospel message can be clearly seen and heard in our services.

Family Life Team
An RHC Member: Yes
Connect with and support expecting/young families in the church.

Commitment level: Once a month
An RHC Member: Yes
We currently offer basic caregiving for children aged 18 months to below 3 years old. Whether you’re married or single, this can be a wonderful way to serve our families with young children.

Commitment level: Once or twice a month
Our children are the next generation of believers and we are called to guide and disciple them as a community. We want to create a fun and engaging environment where children understand the gospel and know God through Bible stories, songs, and activities. Besides volunteering as teachers on Sundays, we are also looking for volunteers to help out with behind-the-scenes work, which is equally as important in getting every Sunday going!
We are looking for volunteers who can:
- Teach on Sundays (Members only)
- Pack lesson materials (Members and non-members)
- Prepare craft materials (Members and non-members)
- Design lesson slides (Members and non-members)

Commitment level: Twice a month
An RHC member: Yes
We are looking for people willing to disciple and journey alongside our teenagers by investing time to chat with them over lunch and build relationships with them through youth CG time and reading the Bible together. You’ll be supported by the youth staff and serving alongside a great team of youth volunteers in living out your faith, sharing the gospel truth, and growing spiritually together.
Commitment level: Once or twice a month
An RHC Member: Yes
We have the privilege of leading the congregation in worship through songs which glorify God and build up his people. Together, we aim to remember, proclaim and celebrate God’s worthiness, works and word in response to the grace we have been shown through Jesus Christ.

We are looking for photographers and videographers to help us capture special church events like baptisms, Prayer & Worship nights, and baby dedications.

Mercy & Justice
Commitment level: Minimum once a month
An RHC Member: No
We are committed to caring for our Chinatown community and have partnered with local organisations to love our neighbours through acts of service and relationship building. Our programs serve vulnerable children, the elderly, migrants and families - many of whom experience loneliness, family breakdown, obstacles to education and insecure employment. Elsewhere in Singapore, our volunteers also walk alongside teenage girls who live in a full-time residential facility due to difficult circumstances with their biological families. Though our outreach takes many forms, our motivation is the same: to love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19).

The integration ministry is passionate about welcoming and integrating people into the body. The basis of the ministry goes back to the Gospel; just as Jesus has welcomed us into his kingdom, so we welcome one another. This role plays an important part in strengthening our church’s culture and sense of belonging.
As part of the volunteer team, you will help people build relationships within the church and within the congregation. Through being part of the team, you will get to form new friendships!

Community Groups
Our Community Groups (CGs) are a means for us to dive deep into the Word and form deep relationships to encourage and strengthen one another as we seek to live out our faith in our lives. The CG ministry is looking for the following:
Co-leader/Hosts/Core Members needed
Encourage & bless our CG leaders
Exploring CG leading