Deeper Longings with Julian
15 September 2020
Hello RHC, this is Julian, a member from 2nd congregation.
As I come before the Lord this very morning, I was reminded of the sins of my heart, specifically to the idolatrous love for money. Recently, I have been faced with a number of challenges that required me to make tough decisions around major life events. Both my wife and I were unemployed, and it did not help that circuit breaker happened. Most companies were slow to hire and quick to let go of their employees. Things were disrupted and life seemed bleak. I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Will I be able to provide and care for my family financially?
Money has always been an idol in my heart. Thoughts of, “how much do I have in my bank account now?” or “how are my investments performing?” always linger at the back of my head and heart. There was always this question of “Do I have enough?” or “I’m lacking and I need more!”. Money mattered and it meant a lot to me! Amidst all of these, it was evident that money became a massive barrier to my life of faith. The filter through which most of my life flowed was not Christ, but money – my money. The reality of Jesus’s work in me was real, but the way I thought about finances was earthly. I was similar to the rich ruler in Luke 18:18-27, who thought his life was exemplary, only to discover he had not surrendered everything to God. As I record this today, because I am a sinner, I am not perfect or in any way capable of an instant transformation. This is an on-going battle for me. But I am certain that my God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is our sovereign God who has made the heavens and the earth, who knows the very sins in our hearts, and who is willing to lay down his life for sinners like us. So today, I would like to invite you to join in my prayer as we surrender all that we have unto him, for his glory.
Our gracious and loving Father in heaven, thank you for your unceasing love that was displayed on the cross. Thank you for being our sovereign God who is all-powerful and all-knowing. You knew us even before we were in our mother’s womb, you knew the number of strands on our hair, and you know the deepest sins in our hearts. Lord Jesus, I pray that we will not be tempted to turn a blind eye to your clear instructions and commands. I pray that we will store up our treasures in heaven rather than on earth. I pray that we will resist building bigger barns and not set our hope on the uncertainty of riches, but may we set our minds, eyes, heart, and soul on Christ alone. I pray specifically for those who are struggling with the love of money, that we will not seek joy in the wealth and treasures we have on earth, that we will not serve money and let it have control over our life. Instead, I pray that Christ will be the only unfailing treasure and exceeding joy in our lives. All these we commit to you Lord Jesus, Amen.