Posts in Deeper Longings
Deeper Longings with Kelly

Have you ever had seasons where every other day comes in the form of a new setback, where circumstances make you feel like you just can’t live like this for the rest of your life? God doesn’t assure us that our circumstances will change today, tomorrow, or ever, in our mortal lives. But he assures us that he will help us endure today, and asks that we trust him for tomorrow.

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Deeper Longings with Jake M

During this pandemic it is hard to make sense of all of the suffering around the world. Where is God in this pandemic? Is this a judgement from God? How does God allow viruses to kill people? Are viruses evil? The Book of Job provides us with a blueprint for trusting in God by seeing him as our Creator and Sustainer who suffered for us and is ever present with us in our suffering.

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