Deeper Longings with Mag
25 April 2020
Hi everyone. I’m Magdalene and I’m a member of the 2nd congregation.
Recently, someone shared with me about his struggle with the many voices in his head telling him that he is unworthy and making him feel fearful and helpless. Yet, in the cacophony of voices, God’s voice brought him much comfort. And it got me thinking of the many voices that have been speaking in this season and what have I been choosing to hear and allow to shape me? It’s easy to allow fear, despair to dominate when we hear of the loud voice of the media reporting daily breaking news on the number of confirmed cases or even on the migrant workers’ situation.
But what about God’s voice? What is He saying in such times? There is this hymn, Be Still My Soul, that very much encapsulates what God has been revealing to me in this season as I wrestle and learn how to be still and hear His voice, and that one way to be still is to remember His promises spoken in His Word. As stanzas 2 and 3 go,
Be still, my soul: your God will undertake
to guide the future as He has the past.
Your hope, your confidence let nothing shake;
all now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: when dearest friends depart,
and all is darkened in the veil of tears,
then shall you better know His love, His heart,
who comes to soothe your sorrow and your fears.”
Dear God, we come to you, our hearts weary and burdened by all that is happening around in this present time; when our sense of stability has shaken and lives have been deeply impacted; when fear grips and reminds us of how vulnerably human we are and we are tempted to seek refuge in the things of this world. Would you, O God, lift up our eyes to see you? Help us to take heart in your promises that you, O God of all comfort, will comfort those who mourn.
You, the God of hope will fill us. You, the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief, bears our sorrows. And that no matter how much this virus isolates us, you are with us. Yes, even in the valley of the shadow of death, you are with us. O God, show us more of who you are - your absolute power and your infinite love - until we are still.
God, we also ask for your wisdom in our hearts - wisdom to see and know what is on your heart for the poor, the afflicted, the marginalised; that while these needs are overwhelming and we may be tempted to retreat, would you stir our hearts to respond in a way that we are not driven by fear, but in having received your grace and mercy, proclaim this to others and pour out our lives for others wherever you call us to. Help us not to be fearful hoarders, but fearless givers, that even whatever small we have to offer, you will use them to display your glory to the world.
Lead us, O God, through this season as you have faithfully done through all ages. In your Son’s name we pray. Amen.