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[Registration Closed] Christian Education: Spiritual Gifts

  • Furama City Centre (map)

Thank you for your interest. Registration is closed as our class is full.

An area in which we would love to grow, as a church, is in our understanding and use of the gifts of the Spirit. As a step in that direction, our June CE class will be seeking to answer some common questions, and connect you with people who have similar giftings, so that you can grow in skill, understanding and courage to use those gifts in the body.

Each session will have testimonies and stories from fellow RHCers, as well as group discussions on how we can grow together in this area.

Our class will be in 3 sessions:

Session One will answer questions such as: What does the bible say about spiritual gifts? What are they exactly? Do all Christians have spiritual gifts? And what purpose do these gifts serve?

Session Two will address various attitudes that people have when it comes to spiritual gifts, good and bad ways to go about discerning your own spiritual gift, and how scripture instructs you to think about it.

Session Three will discuss various reasons as to why we are reluctant to use our gifts, and how instead of neglecting them, we are to grow in our gifts so as to be a blessing to the body. There will be various breakout rooms where people with similar giftings can gather, learn and grow from one another.

Venue: Heritage Room

Date: Sundays, 4, 11, 18 June, 11.30am-1.00pm

There are limited spaces, so please sign up early!

*Note: There will be some pre-class e-learning

Earlier Event: June 4
June Book Table
Later Event: June 4
Youth Social