![Practicing the Way: Sabbath [Registration closed]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1740367652498-BZLFTVLD9T1KD8OD7YXR/Core+Classes+%281x1%29+%282%29.png)
![Practicing the Way: Sabbath [Registration closed]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1740367652498-BZLFTVLD9T1KD8OD7YXR/Core+Classes+%281x1%29+%282%29.png)

Leading the Way: Understanding Gospel Leadership
Learn how God’s grace transforms both our desire to lead and how we lead

![[Registration closed] Grow in the Word Workshop: How to Read the Psalms](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1722489274491-5GDK8BL546PX8JQX9HI1/GIW+Psalms+Square+1.jpg)
[Registration closed] Grow in the Word Workshop: How to Read the Psalms
Enrich your appreciation of the Psalms!
![[Registration closed] Shadows and Copies: How the Old Testament Points to Christ](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1716886472598-XSSCOPV1Q5KX34Y7SKUO/Shadows+Square+1.png)
[Registration closed] Shadows and Copies: How the Old Testament Points to Christ
Learn to see Jesus at the heart of the Old Testament
![[Registration closed] Christian Education: Spiritual Friendship](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1709109377857-EJV91FFJOKN7ADJYX7JT/Friendship+Square.jpg)
[Registration closed] Christian Education: Spiritual Friendship
Join us as we behold friendship as a beautiful call to radiate Christ’s love!
![[Registration closed] Cultivating Connection course](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1689816646181-Z14U4GV2G1B4BPUIYJJJ/Marital+care+workshop+1x1+final+%282%29.png)
![[Registration Closed] Christian Education: Spiritual Gifts](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1682581279922-XO45AWROW4COR9XVXLQ2/Spiritual+Gifts+Square+1.jpg)
[Registration Closed] Christian Education: Spiritual Gifts
Learn more about spiritual gifts!
![[Registration Closed]: Ministry Training 2023: The Gospel Changes Us at a Heart Level](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1681115885049-SX9NSB45EJXR1SNHWG4C/Ministry+Training+Square+1.jpg)
[Registration Closed]: Ministry Training 2023: The Gospel Changes Us at a Heart Level
Equip yourself with skills to walk with others!
![Christian Education: Sexual Ethics [FULL]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1677491295153-OF3Q0U8VYZJ5LWGJPG1T/Sexual+Ethics+Square+1.jpg)
Christian Education: Sexual Ethics [FULL]
Thank you for your interest in our CE Class. Registration is now closed as our class is fully subscribed.

![[ONLINE] CE Class: Dealing with Toxic & Difficult Relationships](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a266b4c90badea30b86b672/1585977137720-1ZJU96SQGZOLF7MH1XXV/CE2020+April2.jpg)
[ONLINE] CE Class: Dealing with Toxic & Difficult Relationships
We are excited to announce our first ever online CE class. In the same vein as our recent Redeeming Relationships sermon series, we will be exploring the topic of “Dealing with Toxic & Difficult Relationships”. In this 3-week class, we will look at conflict, forgiveness, and shame.
Week 1 (13-19 April) Conflict:, we will learn how to fight well with the a redemptive goal in mind.
Week 2 (20-26 April) Forgiveness: we will cover how the lingering effects of hurt and dysfunction take their toll on our relationships, and how we can navigate the tensions between forgiveness and reconciliation.
Week 3 (27 April-3 May) Shame: we will look at practical ways to identify and deal with the effects of shame in our lives.
This class is conducted over three units in the course of three weeks.
Each unit will run from Monday to Sunday, and will end off with a 45-minutes live video teaching on every Sunday.
To maximise your learning experience, participants are highly encouraged to:
1. Watch all online lectures
2. Post comments & interact with others on our Facebook Group's Forums
3. Join our interactive live video discussion sessions. You will get to discuss some case studies and also ask questions relating to the topics taught. This will take place on Sundays, 12.00pm-12.45pm via Zoom.

Cancelled: CE Class (February)
Registration is full! Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the class. We look forward to seeing you there.
Sundays, 2, 9, 16, 23 February, 11.30am-1.30pm, Level 3 Studios
In February, we will be exploring how the Gospel redeems relationships through both a new sermon series and our next 4-part Christian Education class. This CE class is designed as a unit, so it will be most beneficial to attend all 4 sessions as we work out how to practically apply the concepts taught in the sermon series to our relationships—with friends, family member, spouse, or colleague.
Session 1: Understanding Love (2 February)
All of life is lived either in the Spirit by loving God and loving others, or in the flesh by following our own ways. Rightly orientating your heart is the first step of the Gospel breaking in to restore us.
Session 2: Understanding Yourself (9 February)
Many of us live without the full awareness of what motivate us, why we behave in certain ways, and what we desire. Understanding yourself allows the Gospel to work in a focused way on your heart to bring about freedom and joy.
Session 3: Understanding Others (16 February)
As you seek to change certain dynamics in a relationship, the first step is to seek to understand the person in front of you. This session will practically help you grow in understanding others.
Session 4: Gospel Renewal Dynamics (23 February)
How does it all tie together? We will explore how we can allow the Gospel to break certain destructive patterns and further strengthen those that are good.

Christian Education Class: Evangelism
More info to come!
Sundays, 3, 10, 17, 24 August, 11.30am-1.30pm, Level 3 Studios

DMA Seminar: Doctrine of the Work of Christ
Sundays, 6, 13, 20 October, 11.30am-1.30pm, Level 3, Studio 3
These seminars are all about clarifying our beliefs, exposing our unbeliefs, and connecting God’s truths practically into our lives. In each stand-alone session, we will dive into one particular doctrine, and then flesh out how it applies to our lives through small group discussions and case studies. Sign up here.
6 October: Doctrine of Man
13 October: Doctrine of the Person of Christ
20 October: Doctrine of the Work of Christ

DMA Seminar: Doctrine of the Person of Christ
Sundays, 6, 13, 20 October, 11.30am-1.30pm, Level 3, Studio 3
These seminars are all about clarifying our beliefs, exposing our unbeliefs, and connecting God’s truths practically into our lives. In each stand-alone session, we will dive into one particular doctrine, and then flesh out how it applies to our lives through small group discussions and case studies. Sign up here.
6 October: Doctrine of Man
13 October: Doctrine of the Person of Christ
20 October: Doctrine of the Work of Christ

DMA Seminar: Doctrine of Man (Imago Dei)
Sundays, 6, 13, 20 October, 11.30am-1.30pm, Level 3, Studio 3
These seminars are all about clarifying our beliefs, exposing our unbeliefs, and connecting God’s truths practically into our lives. In each stand-alone session, we will dive into one particular doctrine, and then flesh out how it applies to our lives through small group discussions and case studies. Sign up here.
6 October: Doctrine of Man
13 October: Doctrine of the Person of Christ
20 October: Doctrine of the Work of Christ

Grow in the Word Workshop: How to Read New Testament Epistles
Join us for this workshop as we learn “How to Read New Testament Epistles”. Each participant will have an opportunity to engage in a hands-on practice of how to read selected passages. If you desire to grow in understanding God's Word more deeply, sign up before noon on Tuesday, 24 September! We encourage CGs to come and participate together. Lunch will be provided.
Saturday, 28 September, 9.00am-1.00pm, Grace Baptist Church