Safe Place


RHC volunteers provide tangible and emotional support
to expecting mums and mums with newborns - forming part of the ecosystem empowering women with unsupported pregnancies to make life-giving choices.

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We are excited to announce that RHC has just formalised a Mercy & Justice partnership with Safe Place! This means we have made a commitment to supporting Safe Place with volunteer manpower and prayer as they seek to empower women and families with unsupported pregnancies to make life-giving choices.

“Not all women can view their pregnancy as something that’s positive. And this has got to do with relationship issues - or sometimes it’s just an unexpected, unplanned pregnancy. And so Safe Place was created and set up in order to regain the joy of pregnancy.”*

Safe Place, true to its name, is a place where expecting mothers can go to receive practical support and a loving community to embrace and empower them. As the only dedicated Residential Respite in Singapore for pregnant women who need a temporary place to stay (up to 4 months after the birth of the child), Safe Place facilitates peace of mind for the mums. 

Volunteers have the opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of the mums and their children. Roles to serve at Safe Place range from providing basic baby care to providing transport, office / facilities support, or other specialised help (medical, legal, confinement, etc.)

“It’s encouraging to know that I’m giving the mums peace of mind,” said one RHC volunteer Su Li who has been serving at Safe Place for about 8 months.

Su Li and other RHC volunteers helping in the basic baby care role focus on carrying, feeding, and playing with the babies - or helping with anything the mums need in the moment. But this role is not only open to mothers, nor is it only open to women! Safe Place also encourages male volunteers to get involved, as they have seen the impact of committed and trustworthy male volunteers in the lives of both mothers and children.

Serving at Safe Place also provides an opportunity for volunteers to learn a thing or two about our loving Creator. “When I help with putting the babies to sleep, some are restless and need a lot of time to fall asleep. Some don't trust me and always cry for their mothers. And some fall asleep right away, like they always belonged in my embrace. We are the same in God's arms. I am always the worried one, but I am learning how to put my trust in Him and truly rest in His presence” (Paula, RHC volunteer).

*Quote from Safe Place Director, Jennifer Heng in RHC’s 2020 Easter Sacrificial Offering video. Check out more at our homepage:

Getting Involved

1. Sign up as a volunteer

Safe Place has many babies due in April to June and would really appreciate the extra help in those months. Apply online here.

2. Open your home and heart to provide a homestay for a mum and her baby

This requires a big commitment but the impact you will make is immense. As Safe Place has stringent criteria for homestay hosts, please write to (please CC if you are interested to apply.

3. Provide suitable employment

If you are a business owner and are able to offer suitable jobs for the mums or their spouse/partner, please write to (please CC

4. Make a donation

Safe Place is expecting leaner months ahead, but the needs of the mums and babies will continue. The number of clients continues to increase and they want to be able to support as many of them as possible. More info here.

Caleigh Gilchrist