Yong-en Care Centre


RHC volunteers provide practical and relational support to the
local Chinatown community through food rations & befriending,
as well as serving at Yong-en’s Dementia Day Care Centre.

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Over the past month, RHC volunteers have been delivering care packages to the local families who are visited through our monthly food distribution and befriending programme. 

The basic items provided included masks, hand sanitiser, grocery vouchers, and a note (translated as appropriate). Many of the volunteers generously supplemented extra items. One CG (pictured above top) added in fresh produce and other grocery items, toys, as well as a thermometer for the family they delivered to. The recipient was a mother with three young children who expressed her appreciation for the items, as well as the care shown by the volunteer. 😊

Another RHC volunteer reflected, "Dropping off a mini bag of grocery vouchers, a chocolate bar, cough lozenges, a few pieces of masks, a card and hand sanitisers was a small act of telling Mr L. and Mdm L. that we care for them and they are not alone in their sickness and in COVID-19. We chatted briefly outside their home, and ended the visit with a short prayer. These believers have not been going to church due to health issues. While we could not solve their larger health issues, we entrusted them into Jesus’s hands."

Thank you to the many individuals, families and CG’s who participated in this initiative - reminding our neighbours that we are thinking of them during this time. These relationships with the local community have been built over time through a collective effort of many members of the body, and we are heartened by this latest expression of the incarnated love of Christ in their lives!

Getting Involved

Thankfully, the wonderful staff at Yong-en Care Centre spent the last day before the start of the circuit breaker measures providing food vouchers to the families. We will be in contact with the staff to see if there is additional support needed for the families in the coming weeks / months, and will update separately about any opportunities to get involved!

Caleigh Gilchrist