

RHC volunteers empower children and migrant moms
through literacy classes and one-on-one support.


ReadAble classes may be suspended due to COVID-19, but that is not stopping the volunteers from caring for ReadAble kids and families! RHC member and ReadAble Co-founder Amanda took the opportunity to pay a visit to the home of one of her students, Q, and her mum. 

Q’s mum and Q moved from China to Singapore to join her Singaporean father who has since passed away. Unfortunately Q has not been able to get Singapore citizenship and this has resulted in very high school fees. Q is 15 years old but only in Sec 2, as she had to stay back in school when she moved. Q’s mum works as a cleaner, but shared that she had lost some jobs recently because of discrimination.

Amanda shared, “I brought a friend with me for the visit as we had dinner plans after, and it turned out to be a divinely orchestrated moment. I knew my ReadAble kid had always dreamt of learning how to play the piano. She wished for a foldable keyboard as part of a Christmas wish list initiative last year, as it was the only keyboard that could fit in her home. I had completely forgotten that the friend I brought along to the visit is a Berklee-trained pianist and composer!

I had the unexpected joy of watching her give an impromptu piano lesson to Q, who had been trying to teach herself to play via YouTube because her family doesn’t have money for lessons. It was truly so precious to see the look on her face when she learned how to play a song. My friend shared later that God had been working in her to develop a heart for children; she committed to meeting regularly with Q for lessons at the RHC premises. I praise God for bringing a piano teacher right to this child’s doorstep, in direct answer to her heart’s longing!”

What a testament to the sovereignty of our God. Yes, He is big - bigger than COVID-19. But He is also concerned with the small, intimate details of our lives and the lives of people like Q. And with God, it’s not either/or! Praise Him who knows even the number of hairs on our heads (Matt. 10:30).

Caleigh Gilchrist