Everything I had was Given by Him


Ivan, 2nd Congregation



I started my childhood in a Catholic boys’ school. Since young I have been inculcated with the teachings of the bible. Growing up in an extremely strict environment under the Catholic order of brothers. I used to join in Bible classes so I can skip on social studies lessons, which are more boring (plus I get free food in bible classes). I did not consider myself a Catholic.

3 years ago my career picked up and I was far from God. As my career progressed, so did my pride. I started chasing after power and wealth and took credit for my success. I became arrogant and spoke to my wife like a subordinate. I was proud and refused to admit any wrong doing on my side.

In a discussion with my wife about who gets to go to heaven, my self­‐righteousness convinced me I was good enough. The next morning, in the lift, God sent a pastor from USA. Really? 7am in a HDB lift! He spoke to me briefly and passed me a coin with the 10 commandments. It started me thinking if I was even able to keep 5 or more of the commandments. What came next totally changed my views once again. I was at a dinner hosted by a Christian friend. When I thanked her for dinner, she simply said “This is all God’s glory.” That night,  God revealed to me that everything I had was given by Him. God is perfectly holy and righteous. He convicted me and I realised I had to repent of my sins, including my sin of pride. I saw my need for a Saviour. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, something I could not do. And Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins. He took on himself the punishment that I deserved for my sin. I believed in Jesus Christ to save me.

Initially I did not understand the need for baptism. But hearing Pastor Simon’s sermon about baptism helped me to understand the true meaning of baptism. It is a public proclamation of one’s faith in Jesus Christ. I therefore now want to be baptised to proclaim that I have repented of my sins and believed in Jesus.

I want to end with a verse from Psalm 23 that has encouraged me: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod, your staff they comfort me.