Handing Over Control

“The Christian girls in my school…They prayed for me, even when I least deserved prayer. They shared the gospel with me. God was working, slowly but surely. He made me realise that I was not in control of anything, and things happened truly by His grace, and not by our own strength.”

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Thought I Knew Christ

“I thought I knew Christ…I knew what He wants me to do but somehow it felt like He was just someone I needed to please, someone I needed to say sorry to…when I did something right, He should give me this and that…. Around the time I started working, a colleague shared the gospel with me on two occasions and… the second time it really hit home.”

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By Faith, Not Works

“I was a sinner like everyone else, and I needed to follow Jesus as my Lord and saviour. God opened my eyes to see that my salvation was not tied to the circumstances I was brought up in or the actions that I took, like attending church regularly or serving on the worship team.”

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The Real Gospel

"I had completely missed the point of the Gospel.... It wasn't about.... prosperity or blessings on earth.  Instead of praising God for His finished work on the cross, I had been attempting to make use of Him to satisfy the sinful desires of my earthly life."

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Grace to One Without Merit

“I realised that I never repented of my sins, never loved God and never really believed. God could have chosen to leave me in my sins unto destruction…But he chose to grant me repentance and faith and there He saved me, not because I have merit, because I have none, but because while I was still a sinner, Christ, who is full of mercy, died for me.”

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Being Nice and Being a Christian are Not the Same Thing

“I was overall a pretty good student, going to church almost every Sunday, hardly asleep during sermons but of course, I did all these without the right intentions.  In my mind, though I was hardly conscious of it, I had equated being a Christian to being an overall nice-ish person, and therefore, I guess, doing “good works”.  Little did I know that such an outlook means taking God out of the equation.”

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The One Evening that Changed My Life

“That evening, God used him to reshape everything I thought I knew about God and the Bible.  He asked questions such as, “How do you know you’re saved?” and “Why do you want to get married anyway?” Through these questions and his follow-up, God opened my eyes to see the glory of Christ.  I actually wanted to pray.”

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Resting in Wisdom and Love

“I used to wrestle with fears and insecurities. I was afraid of people, afraid of dying. I did not have a personal relationship with God. I realised my helplessness, and saw my own sin and need for God’s grace and mercy. I cried out to God for help, asking him to save me from my sins through his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus came to save sinners like me.”

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The Light of My Life

“From reading the Bible, it became clear to me that I am a sinner, not just because of my actions, but because of my wayward heart and disordered worship. My sins in life made me realise that I desperately need the atoning work of Jesus Christ to be reconciled with a holy God, since I am fully deserving of His holy wrath against unrighteousness. It blows my mind that God would shower His love on us even though we rebel against him.”

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My Identity in Christ

“When I am able to stop and refocus upon the fact of my identity and self-worth in Christ, I find that I enjoy my job much more.  I am able to work without that constant sense of worry and self-doubt that may otherwise plague me.  I know that even if I fail, I remain the most important person to the most important being in the Universe, the one who Jesus loves.  I can tell you, that is a real stress killer."

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Amazed by God's Love

“In my desperation I blurted out, "God, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know if you're real, or if I'm just talking to the walls. But if you're real, please help me because I cannot help myself." Suddenly, I felt assurance in my heart. That I need not be anxious about what the future brings because there is a God who is not only sovereign but is also a loving father who will walk with me.”

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Perfect Love Knows No Fear

“I am the middle child in my family, and my parents were really hoping I was boy. God gave them me instead, and they never failed to remind me that I was not a boy. I was pretty insecure as a child and into adulthood and often sought to gain favour by putting my other siblings down. Socially, I always sought to fit in, and would bend over backwards to please people. It has been a little over 10 years since since I accepted Christ. I still battle with temptations and finding contentment somewhere else other than Christ. God has been good and I trust that he will always be good.”

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